Monday 7 February 2011

"Internet - like" lifestyle

People powered by the internet!
The internet was first created in the early 70s. Since then, the human lives have been changed, as we started to rely on this kind of technology. The internet has come a long way since its early days, specialist and scientist -computer scientist- have contributed majorly to enhance its ability to satisfy people's need.
The internet is a major factor that contributes to the happenings of the day. Due to the high importance of it, people rely on it for a living. Some just go through it to pass time or look through things that interest them. 
As the internet affected more and more people the way of people's lives are different than what it was. As you can say people now are living the fast life, they do not have time to wait and they are very technical on what they do.
This is one of the things that makes people drift apart and look at the material side of things. therefore, sometimes its better to just take a step back and look at life around you and enjoy the moment before heading back to the fast internet world. 
In the end of the day that is what we are used to and internet is what we rely on for almost everything - yes even writing this blog  so you (the reader) can read it and communicate back as if we are sitting in the same room talking in person.
Everything in life has an advantage and a disadvantage, its pretty much how you use it at the end of the day.

See you next time x


  1. A really interesting article, Bushra!

    Keep up the good work ;) xx

  2. Great article ... and clearly original! That's what we want to see.
